Sunday 9 June 2024

Impact of High Intake of Sugar on Work Performance

 We all know the feeling: that mid-afternoon slump where your eyelids get heavy and your focus fades and many of us reach for a sugary snack or drink to get that quick energy boost to power through the day. From mid-morning candy bars to afternoon sodas, sugar seems to be a go-to solution for a temporary lift. But how does this high sugar intake affect our work performance in the long run?

A staggering 80% of people worldwide consume more sugar than recommended by the World Health Organization. This excess sugar intake is not only harming health but also reducing workplace productivity by 20%, according to recent studies.

This blog will explore the impact of consuming high sugar, examining its effects on energy levels, productivity, and overall health. We’ll also offer tips for maintaining steady energy throughout the workday.

What was the Impact of High Sugar on your work performance? Share your experiences and read the full blog!

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